How Things Used to Be

Henry Knowles Cummings was a huge part of Orleans' History
He literally shaped the Town and its progress

Henry Knowles Cummings
7/21/1865 - 5/21/1953

Local entrepreneur extraordinare!
All you ever wanted to know about HK Cummings.

Henry (HK) Cummings

HK's involvement and development in Orleans has been grossly under-appreciated. He owned more property than most folks are aware of.
A brief account by a descendant
Photo courtesy of Jennifer Schell.

Theresa (Paine) Cummings
1866 - 1946

Theresa and H.K. gave their time, talents and pleasure to their community throughout their lives. Together they donated land that continues to benefit the townspeople today. Two examples of their generosity are the town landing at the head of the cove and the Orleans Yacht Club.

The Cummings & Howes Pants Factory Ca 1886

Possibly one of the Cape's biggest employers at that time. The Cummings and Howes pants factory was located on the site of the Land-Ho restaurant and Cape Cod Photo Shop, functioned until it burned in 1907. Many townspeople worked there, Though the faces are not very clear, you might see some names that you recognize if you click here.

The Cummings & Howes Pants Factory Exterior


The Cummings & Howes Pants Factory Interior


Phebe Steere Brown

It was incorrectly believed that she and HK had a daughter, Elizabeth Brown. In fact, according to one of Phebe's descendant's, HK had no children. Howard Dudley Brown was the father.
Photo courtesy of Jennifer Schell.

"Cummings Corner"

At the busy intersection of Route 6A and Main Street, this view from the site of Jimmy DeLory's Mobil Gas station shows where the store was located.

A Community Loss

The town didn't just lose the building & its contents, it lost the jobs and the supplier of many of the clothes that residents and visitors wore.
It also lost the fire siren which announced which section of town a fire was in.

H.K. Cummings House

If it looks familiar, it is because it is now the Captain Linnell House at 131 Nameskaket Road. Photo from the 2011 Orleans Town Report.

H.K. Cummings House

H.K. Cummings purchased this house at 8 Academy Place and lived here until his death. Today their antique house at 8 Academy Place reveals vestiges of Theresa's green thumb in changing a farm landscape into a garden setting. The shade and fruit trees, bushes, and green lawn are still evident today. In 1946 a stroke ended 80 years of dedication to helping her family, friends and community. She left her entire estate to H.K. who died in 1953.

Tioga on the Dock

Tioga and Motorboat on the dock. Summer, 1927. That dock is shown in the Google Earth image next.

HK's "Cottage" Ca 2006±

Image copied after HK left it to Elizabeth Brown. Notice the dock extending into the river with his sailboat "Tioga" tied to it. According to descendants, HK never lived there.

HK's "Cottage" Ca 2018

Besides the addition of color, not much changed in the elapsed dozen or so years except, the dock is missing, having been declared by the town to be "illegal".

Heading Out

Roger Brown and HK motoring away from the mooring on "Tioga II".

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