An Oldtimer's Recollection of Orleans on Cape Cod

Working for Dinner

Always Better When It is Earned

Sam - School play

(George Samuel Sherman, Jr. - 02/05/1934 - 12/09/2020)

Local historian, Sam Sherman said,"It has been said that history usually repeats itself. That may be true as it relates to mistakes we make. However, in truth, history (or the events which shape it) can't be repeated. When someone dies, they are gone forever. When a building or a memory is gone or forgotten, It is gone forever. Unless we are fortunate enough to have documented it. IF we have taken photos, committed memories to paper and, most importantly, shared that information with others, our history and our heritage CAN be passed down for future generations."

Our Country's history began in New England. The Pilgrims landed here. Much of the history of how we got to be where we are today came from the small (and large) villages, towns, and cities in Massachusetts.

The indigenous population taught the Pilgrims farming and fishing. The Pilgrims colonized Massachusetts and beyond. They migrated to every village and town where they lived and made their own history.

The small Cape Cod town of Orleans holds more than its share of that history and it is the goal of this website to chronicle some of the people, places, and events that shaped it.

For an introduction to the Town of Orleans click here.

Sam - Team Player

The "" website, which Sam used to fulfill his above statement, disappeared immediately following his death on December 9, 2020. This website will try to fill that vacuum in a different format.

This "Look Back @ Orleans History" website, begun April 9, 2021, will begin with listings of People, Places, Things/Events, and Recollections which were, but no longer are.....or, at least not how they were. Where photos are not available (or legible), short descriptions/narratives will have to do.

Some photos and other content used on this website were prepared for and used on Sam's website.

Many were prepared but not used, so, except for the contributors, they may not have been seen publicly.

All images/descriptions/recollections, regardless of source, are in accordance with the purpose of public display of photos of people, places, events, and recollections which have contributed to, or been a part of, the history of Orleans and neighboring towns, all in keeping with Sam's opening statement on this page.....and the purpose of his former websites.

Your contribution of information and photos, as well as your comments, is welcome. For a list of contributors and/or sources for this website and Sam's former websites, click here. Thank you for your contributions and your interest.

This will be a long-term project - It is going to take time - Please be patient.