How Things Used to Be

Town Team Baseball - (Before College Involvement)
When Only Local Players Played

Snow's Baseball Club — 1890

Back row L to R: E.L. Smith (Catcher), Abbott Walker (SS), Capt Snow, S.L. Pierce (CF), B. Smith (LF). Front row L to R: W. Swain (3B), F.P. McKay (P), G.L. Smith (1B), D. Cole (2B). There are only 8 men in uniform, perhaps Capt. Snow played right field, though he appears to be holding a catcher's mask. One of the mysteries of history.

Town Team Baseball - 1912

Back Row L. to R: Elmer Darling, "Scrag" Baker, Eddie Fenn. Middle Row L. to R: Roy "Eidie" Nickerson, George Sherman, Byron Holmes. Front Row L. to R: Willis Gould, Claude Hopkins, Stanley Crosby.

Town Team Baseball - 1915

Back row L to R: Alton Smith, P. Lesouer, L. Eldredge, Claude Hopkins, George Sherman, Carlton Smith, Stanley Crosby, George Hopkins.Seated L to R: F. Shackley, Hamilton, Elmer Darling, Elmer Mechan.

Town Team Baseball - 1947

Back row L to R: Red Eldredge, Dave Bremner, Junie Lee, Bill Brown, Bobby Chandler, Stanly Wilcox, Jim Walland, Roy Bruninghaus, Bill “Mac” McCray. Front row L to R: Karl Clark, Alan “Buzzy” Wilcox, Whit Howes, Bobby Bremner, Jessie Daniels, Herb Fuller (Mgr.) Batboy David Fuller.

Town Team Baseball — 1949

Back row L to R: Barry Wilcox, "Junie" Lee, Mac McCray, Roy Bruninghaus, Larry Hurley, "Bud" Davis (High School Coach), Lauren Peterson (Mgr.). Front row L to R: Ray Reynolds, Bobby Chandler, Dave Bremner, Bobby Peterson (Batboy), Bob Bremner, "Whitey" Dunham, Stuart Finlay.

Town Team Baseball - 1951

Back Row L. to R: Lauren Peterson (Mgr./Player), Sam Sherman, Bob Miller, Wayne Bartlett, Mac McCray, Cal Burlingame, Dave Bremner, Tim Wise, Prince Hurd, Roy Bruninghaus, “Bunky” Bruninghaus. Front Row L. to R: Scott Kelly, Johnny Linnell, Hughie Moore, “Buzzy” Wilcox, Bob Bremner, Karl Clark, Barry Wilcox. Front Center: Kenny Peterson (Batboy), Ron Bruninghaus (young blond boy). This is the major part of the team that played in the National Semi-Pro Baseball Tournament in Wichita, Kansas in the summer of 1954.

Cape Cod Standard Times
August 21, 1954

Send-off for the Orleans' Town Team for the National Baseball Congress Tournament in Wichita, Kansas

Cape Cod Standard Times
August 21, 1954

The team members who went to Wichita.

Cape Cod Standard Times
August 23, 1954

The team arrived safely with a huge scare due to reports of a fatal train crash.

From a Local Newspaper

Obviously, "The Lone Stranger" was an big fan and ardent supporter of the Orleans' team.

Town Team Baseball - 1955

Back row L to R: Stanley Wilcox, Bruce Jamieson, Bob Bremner, Tinker Meads, ? , Frank Fettig, ?, Johnny Linnell. Front row L to R: Herb Fuller (Mgr.), Bruce Peters, Barry Wilcox, John Freeman, Mac McCray, Buzzy Wilcox, ?, Batboy — Jon Fuller.









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